
Friday, July 24, 2015

Minutes 4/5/14

April 15, 2014

Rebekah Engle, Chair
Woody Dukes
Jaqui Forney
Bruce Hoffman, Sect’y
Bob Hanna
Michael Livingston
Erma Hoffman, Treasurer
Brock Campbell
Sarah Owens
p=present a=absent e=excused

Residents:  Jon Edmonds, Dana Zdroy, David Dahle, Jonathan Grindell
Organizations: Rick Ikeda, First Christian Church (for Bob Hanna)
City/County Representatives: (none)

        Guest: Brian Hines
The annual Cando meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, at the Al Sham restaurant (aka Downtown Market and Deli) at 145 Liberty Street, Salem.  Rebekah Engle was in the chair and Bruce Hoffman appeared as secretary.

The minutes for March were approved as amended.

There was no Police Report or City Councilor Comments.

During the Interested Citizens segment of the meeting, Brian Hines, a non-resident of Salem, argued in favor of his request to have the board appeal the City’s Minor Historic Review determination under SRC 230.075 (HIS 14-07 issued April 1, 2014) to approve a proposal to replace three large street trees with three smaller trees of the same species at 525 Ferry Street.  The appeal deadline was identified as 5:00 p.m. April 16, 2014.       

During the Boise Park Parcel segment of the meeting, the Chair on behalf of Councilor Bennett asked the assembly for suggestions as to how the land recently purchased in connection with the development of Pringle Square might best be used.  Suggestions consisted of an off-leash dog park; a skatepark that would not duplicate the features of the one in Marion Square Park; a food pod (grouping of food carts that would require amending the SRC to allow year-round leasing); farmers’ market concession area; tennis, basketball or pickle ball courts; crossfit or military workout area or obstacle course; chess and checker tables; overflow parking (a portion only).
During the Communications Funds segment of the meeting, the Chair announced that the Salem Parks Foundation had approved CanDo’s grant application for funds to install a bicycle repair station at Riverfront Park.  Erma Hoffman is continuing to oversee the project.  

During the Board Elections segment of the meeting, it was announced that Jaqui Forney had respectfully resigned, as she had last month moved to Corvallis and no longer qualified for service on the board.  Erma Hoffman and Bob Hanna were each nominated for re-election.  The remaining board members’ terms had not expired.  There were no other nominations to serve on the board.  Erma Hoffman and Bob Hanna were each re-elected unanimously.      

The annual meeting was then adjourned, and the Chair called to order a special meeting of the board, which was still open to the public, to consider Brian Hines’s request, the materials provided to the board by email prior to the meeting, the applicable provisions of SRC 230, and related issues.  After due deliberation in which all members present participated, no action was taken.

The meeting of the Board of Directors adjourned at 7:50 p.m. 

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