
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Minutes 9/15/15

September 15, 2015

David Dahle, Chair
Woody Dukes
Brock Campbell
Michael Livingston,
Vice Chair
Bob Hanna
Diana Dettwyler
Erma Hoffman, Treasurer
Bruce Hoffman
Neal Kern
Sarah Owens, Sec’y
Rebekah Engle

p=present a=absent e=excused

Residents: Bill Holmstrom, Rosa Leonardi, Deb Comini
Organizations: Jeff Leach, Bike Boulevard Advocates; Colleen Busch, Salem-Keizer Transit District Subdistrict #2; Jerry Thompson, Salem-Keizer Transit District Subdistrict #5; Juliana Cohen, Cherriots, Ken Hetsel, Morningside Neighborhood Association; Simon Sandusky, Guest Services Manager, Union Gospel Mission
City/County Representatives: Councilor Bennett
Guest: Curt Fisher

The regular meeting of the CanDo Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at the First Christian Church at 685 Marion Street NE, Salem. David Dahle was in the chair and Sarah Owens acted as secretary.

The agenda and the minutes of the August meeting were approved unanimously.

In public comment, board member Bruce Hoffman announced that SAIF will be contacting CANDO and SCAN to discuss its plans to renovate its building at 400 High Street (built ~1974), taking it down to steel and concrete, with a goal of bringing it up to seismic and LEED equivalency standards, and replace the one-story building south of there, on Church Street (built ~1965 and not intended to last) with bio-swales and other appropriate landscaping.  

The board heard a presentation by Curt Fisher on the status of bicycle and pedestrian safety and access in the central area, followed by a presentation by Colleen Busch and Jerry Thompson of the Salem Area Mass Transit District Board, Board Member - Moving Forward Phase II and Ballot Measure to Raise Funds to Expand Bus Service.

Councilor Bennett reported that the Council had approved early sales of recreational marijuana and hired Steven Powers as City Manager, and recommended the board read the update on the project to replace the parking meters in the Capitol Mall and what he described as a miscommunication as to the intended extent of the project.  He also commented that city staff were fully committed to completing the next phase of the Winter-Maple family friendly bikeway within a year, “maybe year after”, and recommended that CANDO participate in the Capital Improvement Program planning process which begins in or around January.  Finally, he mentioned upcoming events, worksessions and hearings, in particular, the public hearing on proposed SRC 86, and asked CANDO to appear in support of its recommendations.

In new business, Sarah Owens’s motion to designate chairs of the board’s standing committees as follows:  Woody Dukes: Land Use, Neal Kern: Watershed Council, Michael Livingston: Transportation, Bruce Hoffman: Budget, passed unanimously;

Michael Livingston’s Motion Regarding CANDO Priorities, and his motion to authorize the Treasurer to prepare and submit a Letter of Intent to the City of Salem requesting a 2015-17 Salem Park Improvement Fund grant for the purchase and installation of a second piece of playground equipment at Pringle Park, passed.

Michael Livingston’s motion to authorize himself, Woody and Sarah to appear before the City Council on behalf of the board concerning CANDO’s recommendations regarding SRC 86 revisions at the public hearing currently scheduled for 9/28 passed unanimously.  

Michael Livingston’s motion to endorse Ballot Measure 24-388 to Raise Funds to Expand Bus Service passed, consistent with the board’s annual goal #1 (Support initiatives that increase bicyclist and pedestrian safety and access to downtown), and the board’s past practice to take a position on local ballot measures.

There being no other business before the board, the meeting of the Board of Directors adjourned at 7:54 p.m. 

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