
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Minutes 5/17/16

May 17, 2016

David Dahle, Chair
Woody Dukes
Brock Campbell
Michael Livingston,
Vice Chair
Bob Hanna
Diana Dettwyler

Erma Hoffman, Treasurer
Bruce Hoffman
Neal Kern

Sarah Owens, Sec’y
Rebekah Engle
Bill Holmstrom
p=present a=absent e=excused

Residents: Deb Comini, Carla Loecke, Lucy Loecke, Paul Gehlar
Organizations: none
City and County Representatives: Councilor Bennett; Officer Demarco
Guest: none

The regular meeting of the CanDo Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at the First Christian Church at 685 Marion Street NE, Salem. David Dahle was in the chair and Sarah Owens acted as Secretary.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved unanimously.

Officer Demarco reported that there would be another “Coffee with a Cop” at Ike Box on May 24 from 8 to 10a.  In answer to a question, he said the man who was recently found dead in Bush Park had contacted the police numerous times over the years, threatening to kill himself, and had been hospitalized many times because of that.  He lived at the Union Gospel Mission.  The release of further details about him would have to be approved by Officer Okata. 

Councilor Bennett, now Mayor-elect Bennett, reported that the Budget Committee had recommended next year’s budget with several wish-list items, including extending West Salem Library’s hours from 15 to 31 hours a week, a half-time park ranger at Minto-Brown Island to deal with unleashed dog owners, a pilot ivy-removal project at an undeveloped park in a southeast Salem, additional funds to the Salem Parks Improvement Fund, including $20K for a bocce ball court, an increase of $90K to the sidewalk repair fund (for a total of $1M), and $4K to subsidize the “Arta-pottie” project.  He also reported the Council would be looking at adjusting the zoning code to permit AirBnB-type lodging in residential zones (currently occurring throughout the well-off sections of town, in violation of code and the requirement to pay transient occupancy taxes).  He also reported that the intersection of Liberty and Center (just off the bridge) holds the record for the most vehicular crashes.

Michael Livingston reported on the Family Friendly Bikeways (aka Bike Boulevards) project, saying that, since receiving the planning grant, the City had been working with ODOT on a scope-of-work agreement which has now been completed.  The planning is expected to take 12-13 months, and will be assigned to new planning staff arriving in June.  He said Director Fernandez had said there would be opportunity for citizens to comment on the plan.  He also said that, thanks to the urging of Councilor Bennett during meetings on the Capital Improvement Fund, Director Fernandez had committed publicly to “get this [project] done.”  

The board then duly nominated and elected to serve as their officers:  Bruce Hoffman as Chair, Michael Livingston as Vice-Chair, Sarah Owens as Secretary/Treasurer.

The motions of Sarah Owens to adopt 2015-2016 Annual Goals as the 2016-2017 Annual Goals, and to approve purchase of Annual Meeting flyer copies ($6.20) passed unanimously.

There being no other business before the board, the meeting of the Board of Directors adjourned at 7:48 p.m. 

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