
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Minutes 9/20/16

September 20, 2016

Bruce Hoffman, Chair
Woody Dukes
Brock Campbell
Michael Livingston,
Vice Chair
Bob Hanna
Bill Holmstrom

Sarah Owens, Secretary-Treasurer
Neal Kern
Diana Dettwyler

Erma Hoffman
Rebekah Engle
David Dahle
p=present a=absent e=excused

Residents: Valorie Freeman
Organizations: Maurice Anderson, St Mark Lutheran and Salem Homeless Coalition, Captain Kim Williams, Salvation Army; Maryann Shad, Willamette Humane Society; Jon Reeves and Ken Houghton, Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action Agency and Mid-Willamette Homeless Initiative Task Force; Pam Watson, First Congregational Church  
City and County Representatives: Councilor and Mayor-elect Bennett, Officer Galusha, Cara Kaser, Ward 1 Councilor-elect
Guests: Lorrie Walker, Athena Gray, Kevin Gray,  

The regular meeting of the CanDo Board of Directors was called to order at 6:02 p.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 2016, at the First Christian Church at 685 Marion Street NE, Salem. Bruce Hoffman was in the chair and Sarah Owens acted as Secretary.

The minutes of the August meeting were approved unanimously.

Officer Shane Galusha, filling in for Sgt. Hill, reported that UGM was closing its day room to those not enrolled in one of UGM’s programs, and that the Downtown Enforcement Team had visited the CAHOOTS program (a mobile crisis intervention team integrated into the public safety system of the cities of Eugene and Springfield).  

Councilor Bennett reminded the board that there would be a hearing on October 10 on the recommendation of the Public Works Department’s Water/Wastewater Task Force to “reduce rates for…670 irrigators, from $4.24 per unit (748 gallons) to $2.97 per unit” and to raise residential rates “to make up the lost revenue to the city – estimated at $600,000 per year.”  See remainder of Statesman Journal coverage here and staff comments to the Task Force here.  He also reported that on October 12 at Center 50+ there would be a joint public hearing of the Salem City Council, the Keizer City Council, the Marion County Commission and the Polk County Commission on proposed land use actions relating to construction of the Salem River Crossing "Preferred Alternative."

In public comment, Lorrie Walker remarked on the proposed Recommendation to the Mid-Willamette Homeless Initiative Task Force, expressing concerns about housing data collection and sharing violating HIPAA, using systems performance measures, housing preferences for the chronically homeless and responsibility for monitoring progress.    

Jon Reeves, on behalf of the community engagement committee of the Mid-Willamette Homeless Initiative Task Force, then surveyed all present as to their thoughts about homelessness through a series of questions, including, “What issues do you see that need to be addressed to help people experiencing homelessness?” “What ways can we combine our efforts and resources to do even more?” “What…strategies should be implemented to help people experiencing homelessness?”

At 7:00 p.m., Mr. Reeves being not quite halfway through his questions, the Chair asked unanimous consent to adjourn the meeting so that those with previous engagements might be allowed to depart.  Without objection, the meeting was adjourned, and the proposed Recommendation to the Mid-Willamette Homeless Initiative Task Force was carried over to the regular October meeting as unfinished business.  The survey was then completed with those who remained.

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