
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Minutes 10/18/16

October 18, 2016 

Bruce Hoffman, Chair 
Woody Dukes 
Brock Campbell 
Michael Livingston,  
Vice Chair 
Bob Hanna 
Bill Holmstrom 

Sarah Owens, Secretary-Treasurer 
Neal Kern 
Diana Dettwyler 

Erma Hoffman 
Rebekah Engle 
David Dahle 
p=present a=absent e=excused 

Residents: Deb Comini, Paul Gehlar 
Organizations: Simon Sanduskey, UGM; Brian Hines, Salem Can Do Better PAC 
City and County Representatives: Councilor and Mayor-elect Bennett, Officers Hill and Galusha, Steven Bellshaw, Deputy Chief of the Salem Police Department 
Guests: none  

The regular meeting of the CanDo Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18, 2016, at the First Christian Church at 685 Marion Street NE, Salem.  The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present. 

The minutes of the September meeting and the letter of intent to apply to the Salem Parks Improvement Fund for two bicycle repair stations were approved by unanimous consent. 

Officer Hill reported that the Downtown Enforcement Team was down to three officers due to reassignments, but in January would be back up to six, seven including him, and on duty seven days a week, up from the current five.  Several classes relating to the upcoming holidays will be offered to area businesses to help increase personal safety and prevent fraudulent activity.  Finally, eleven volunteers will soon begin bicycle patrol training and are expected to assist with enforcement of disabled parking restrictions.  

Councilor Bennett reported on recent actions by the City Council. 

In public comment, Simon Sanduskey said he had been receiving a number of concerned inquiries about changes in policy and practice at the Mission, and wanted to clarify that the Mission was still serving three meals a day, that showers were available for men in the afternoon, whether or not they were involved in a UGM program, and that the only changes were that the locker program had been discontinued, and everyone was expected to be outside and looking for work from 9 to 3:30 p.m. (except to eat lunch).  The reasons for the changes had to do with safety and a census (around 260) that required residents who were able to do so to become self-sufficientPositive effects from the changes had been seen almost immediately     

Following presentations on Measure 24-399 (City of Salem Police Facility General Obligation Bond Authorization) by Councilor Bennett and Brian Hines, with Deputy Chief Bellshaw answering questions, the Chair announced as unfinished business the motion postponed from the last meeting to adopt the proposed Recommendation to the Mid-Willamette Homeless Initiative Task Force.  The motion was adopted unanimously. 

During new business, Michael Livingston proposed two new motions that were adopted, to join the City Council providing a letter of support for The Big Jump Project and in supporting Measure 24-399.  Sarah Owens also proposed new motions that were adopted, to authorize the expenditure of up to $50 for refreshments for the November meeting, to cancel the December meeting, and to support the four-story mixed-use building, discussed at the August meeting, to be built at the corner of Front and Court Streets and add 40 1-2 bedroom apartments downtown, and more residents to CANDO.    

There being no other business before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

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