
Thursday, February 9, 2017

MWHITF: Strategic Plan in Brief

Revised: December 2018

By Sarah Owens and Michael Livingston

Since adoption, the Strategic Plan of the Mid Willamette Homeless Initiative (MWHI) Task Force has been significantly reworked under the supervision of its principal author, Marion County Commissioner Janet Carlson and the rest of the MWHI Steering Committee.  The latest version can be found here. With Commissioner Carlson leaving office at the end of the year, this version might become the final version.

The original plan was much less impressive.  Below is a summary of the original, stripped of excess verbiage, with links/updates.  The plan objectives are grouped by the how hard, or easy, it should be to meet them. 

Summary of Original Task Force Recommendations

Will be completed/moot by the Task Force's last meeting
Community engagement/outreach (5).

Self-executing (requires no TF action)
"Support" MWIC's affordable housing projects
"Endorse" Salem/Keizer's implementation of the HNA
"Support" YHDP grant to expand RHY services (not successful)
"Endorse" UGM's relocation/expansion plan
"Endorse" [Westcare] veteran housing project
"Support" any and all DV and family housing projects
"Endorse" the local LEAD effort
"Support" Salem's non-existent anti-panhandling programs (see "Toilets and Panhandling")
"Endorse" the local CCO's efforts to get more people into supported housing (allowed)
"Endorse" MC Re-entry Initiative's transitional housing project
"Support" PHA DV and homeless preferences
"Support" Dream Ctr, HOME expansion & similar neighborhood-based services
"Support" SKATS' travel training program
"Develop" landlord assessment tool (deleted 1/7/17
"Determine" desirability of "temporary support-coordinated camping" program
"Support" Marion County, Salem Health, etc., in creating a Salem-area sobering station
"Support" community partners in creating a one-stop resource center

Not self-executing (requires action)
Inventory land/buildings suitable for housing, change zoning as needed
Explore CDL as "regional tool" (P18) and adopt statewide resource network
Create "Development Team" to implement plan
Develop senior shelter, housing, supportive services, and supportive housing
Develop medical street-outreach team
Develop veteran housing and services

"Advocacy" only 
for coordinating and facilitating grant applications
for more money from the state housing agency
for a home-buyer tax credit
for DV/homeless preference in new housing
for greater HMIS coverage and a plan to secede from ROCC
for collaboration between providers and WorkSource Oregon
for policy changes in SK 24J .
for continued transit service up the canyon  

"Assistance" only
to expand finlit training in schools 
to bring finlit classes to the poor (vs. making them go to a class somewhere)
to offer training about requirements related to service assistance animals 

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