
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

4/17/18 Minutes

Members: Deb Comini, Paul Gehlar, Luke Bergerson, Hank Stebbins, Emily Crocker
Organizations: Ken Ploeser, Creek Walk Project; Steve Evans, Cherriots Transit Board; Raleigh Kirshman, UGM; Alan Mela, Grocery Outlet
City and County Representatives: David Smith and Andrew McFerron, SPD; Councilor Cara Kaser; Irma Dowd, Community Development Department; Gina Courson, Marion County Sheriff’s Department; The Honorable Jane Aiken
Guests: none

The Annual Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at the First Christian Church at 685 Marion Street NE, Salem.  The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present.

The minutes of the March meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

Officers David Smith and Andrew McFerron of the Salem Downtown Enforcement Team reported on the recent launch of a local “law enforcement assisted diversion” (LEAD) program similar to the ones piloted in Seattle and Dallas, OR.  At two and one-half weeks into the program, they have one person enrolled.  Enrollees agree to work with Josh Lair, the Marion County Health Department’s LEAD navigator, to access treatment and other services.  

Councilor Kaser reported on several matters due to come before the City Council, including the appeal of the grant of a conditional use permit to UGM (postponed to April 23), the recommendations of the Downtown Homeless Solutions Task Force (not yet made, expected to go to Council in June). The first Citizens Budget Committee meeting for 2018 will be on April 25, and will concern the Capital Improvement Plan.  Councilor Kaser indicated she intended to ask that some of the traffic-calming elements of the Maple-Winter Greenway plan be included in the CIP.  The Minto Island bike/peds bridge has received an award from the National Steel Bridge Alliance in the “Special Purpose” bridge category.  

Probation Officer Gina Courson of the Parole and Probation Division reported that there are a total of 3,000 individuals under supervision in Marion County, 2,900 of which reside within the Salem city limits, 78% of whom are male.  Four hundred of those residing in Salem are registered sex offenders. The system does not track whether an individual under supervision is homeless. Individuals under supervision are given a risk classification of low, medium or high.  Those deemed to be low risk are on “limited” supervision. Those deemed medium or high risk are on “active” supervision. There are about 38 officers responsible for “active” supervision. Officer Courson supervises about 55 individuals. She reported that the Division is working toward some kind of partnership agreement with the Marion County Housing Authority.   

In public comment, Ken Ploeser spoke about his having started the Creek Walk Project as a way to get exercise and explore the creeks inside of the Salem Urban Growth Boundary, and how it led him to “adopt” Pringle Creek from the Willamette slough through Bush Park, most of which is in CANDO.  He invited everyone to walk their neighborhood creeks and act as “stewards of rain to river” by reporting problems to Ken at or 503-362-0873, or an appropriate agency.    

The board heard a presentation by Member Kern on the progress of the Downtown Homeless Solutions Task Force.  He briefly summarized each of the four meetings, and said a fifth meeting would be scheduled after staff had completed a cost and staffing analysis of the various “solutions” that had been proposed, the main ones being toilet and storage facilities, and the development of a code of conduct for both those living in the streets, and for the people responding to them (e.g. downtown businesses and visitors).  He said there seemed to be general agreement within the task force on the need for a shared vision, though how that might be achieved was less clear. 

After the Chair opened the floor for nominations to the Board of Directors, the Secretary nominated Members Bruce and Erma Hoffman, Michael Livingston, Woody Dukes, Bob Hanna, Rebekah Engle and Brock Campbell for re-election, and the slate was elected by unanimous consent.  The Chair then closed the Annual Meeting, called to order a meeting of the board, and opened the floor for nominations for officers to replace those currently serving. The Chair nominated Neal Kern for the position of Chair. There being no other nominations, the board unanimously consented to elect Neal Kern as Chair.  Pursuant to Article VI, Section 3 of CANDO's Bylaws, Michael Livingston will be continuing in the position of Vice-Chair, and Sarah Owens will continue as Secretary/Treasurer, until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified.

The motion of Michael Livingston to adopt the proposed 2018-2019 Annual Goals passed unanimously.  The Chair then asked whether there was any member wishing to make a motion in response to the several emails sent to the board by a certain individual in the past couple of months.  Seeing none, and there being no other business before the board, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:56 p.m.

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