
Friday, July 19, 2019

7/16/19 Minutes

Members: Barbara McReal 
Organizations: Sadie Blackhall and Sierra Langford, Gilbert House Museum; Raleigh Kirschman, UGM; Richard McGinty, McGinty, Belcher and Hamilton Attorneys, PC; Robert Chandler, Salem Downtown Rotary
City, County and State Representatives: David Smith and Zach Merritt, Downtown Enforcement Team
Guests: none

The regular meeting of the CANDO Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, July 16, 2019, at the First Christian Church at 685 Marion Street NE, Salem.  The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present.  

The agenda and minutes of the April and June meetings were approved.   

Officers Merritt and Smith reported increased complaints about urine and feces in alleyways, and encouraged businesses to consider installing cameras, as urinating and defecating in public is a law violation that police could investigate using video footage of the incident. They said there were no “missing kid” incidents during the City’s July 4th event at Riverfront Park, and the stabbing was most likely gang-related.  They said, as was usual, there was increased activity from competing groups in Marion Square Park. Asked about the frequency and nature of the contacts, Merritt responded that contacts always increased in summer, and were “highly situational”, but most often cooperative. Sometimes the officers don’t make contact at all, e.g., someone with emotional problems that could be triggered.   

In interested citizen comments, Robert Chandler shared information about the Third Annual Salem Rotary Multi-Sport Riverfest event and asked for volunteers (they need 200). Richard McGinty said he would like to know more about the proposed development of a 3-story building with a retail financial services branch on the first floor and offices on the second and third floor; a single-level parking garage; and a parking lot, all on a 1.46-acre parcel at 465 Division Street NE.

Mountain West Investment Corp. has abandoned the project to develop 280 Liberty Street (old Wells Fargo site) because, per Richard Berger, “The costs simply could not justify a development there at this time.” 

The CANDO board heard a presentation by Sadie Blackhall and Sierra Langford about the Gilbert House Museum’s $800K upgrade/renovation project.  The museum has 90K visitors a year. Plans include improving sight lines on the playground, so parents can more easily monitor their children from a distance.  Two-thirds of the funds have been raised. The plan is to complete Phase 1 in the spring of 2020, and begin Phase 2 the following fall. There will be an open house celebration when the project is complete.

It appearing to the Chair that a majority of board members are unable to attend the August meeting, the August meeting was canceled.   

There being no other business before the board, the Chair adjourned the meeting promptly at 6:30 p.m.

*** August Meeting Canceled ***

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