
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

10/19/21 Minutes

Members: Carol Hendrix

Organizations: City, County and State Representatives: Virginia Stapleton, Ward 1 Councilor; David Smith, Salem Police Department

Guests: Laura Russo, Emergency Services Manager, The Arches Project

The annual meeting of CANDO was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, October 19, 2021.  The meeting was conducted by Zoom video-conference.  The Vice-Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present.  

The agenda and minutes of the September meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

Officer David Smith ( of the Salem Police Department’s Community Action Unit (fka the Downtown Enforcement Team), whose territory is citywide, but has a strong focus on downtown, spoke to Carol Hendrix’s complaint about the 700 block of Church Street, and said HOAP is actively working with SPD on the matters complained of, even to the point of refusing services where appropriate.  Officer Smith said Officer Juhauz, who had been giving the area particular attention, was out recently with an injury.

Councilor Stapleton gave a report on her and Council’s activities and answered questions.  Among other things, she mentioned the work of the draft Climate Action Plan’s subcommittee on emissions, the City tree survey, and the City’s plans for a new mural.

During public comment, Laura Russo with The Arches Project ( reported that the First Presbyterian will be opening as a temperature-activated cold-weather shelter this winter, and offered to answer questions.  Russo will be giving a presentation on the program at the November meeting.

After the Vice-chair opened the floor for nominations to the Board of Directors, Michael Livingston nominated current board member Neal Kern, whose term was expiring.  Kern was then re-elected to the Board by unanimous consent. The Chair then closed the Annual Meeting, called to order a meeting of the Board, and opened the floor for nominations of officers.  Livingston nominated himself as Chair. There being no further nominations, he was elected Chair.  Michael Livingston’s motions to adopt the proposed 2021-2022 annual goals, authorize the expenditure of communication funds to reimburse the City for the cost of a basic Zoom account until such time as the board determines the account is no longer required for the conduct of board business, and authorize him to apply for a SPIF grant to install a bike fix-it station in Marion Square Park, all passed unanimously.

There being no further business before the board, the Vice-Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:45.

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