
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

11/16/21 Minutes

Members: Alan Mela 

Organizations: none

City, County and State Representatives: Virginia Stapleton, Ward 1 Councilor;  David Smith, Salem Police Department 
Guests: Laura Russo, Emergency Services Manager, The Arches Project

The regular meeting of CANDO was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.  The meeting was conducted by Zoom video-conference.  The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present.  

The agenda and minutes of the October meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

In public comment, Alan Mela reported that his tenant Grocery Outlet on Commercial and D Streets is considering closing because of perceived deteriorating conditions in the neighborhood e.g., the fencing around the self-storage in the lower level has been repeatedly cut, at a cost of $300-400/mo.  He would like to understand what the police’s SOP is in the area, and whether attention might not be increased.  He is seeking to reassure the tenant that conditions in the area are not deteriorating and will improve.  

Councilor Stapleton, responding to Alan’s concerns, acknowledged that there is room for improvement in the area and said she thought things would be improving.  She suggested it might be helpful to connect the tenant with various named city staff who can provide specifics as to the improvements in the pipeline.  Following which, the Councilor gave a report on her and Council’s November 15 work session on the Council Policy Agenda priority area “Addressing Homelessness”, said it was necessary for the City to make efforts to 1) prevent, 2) manage (which services range from case management to trash removal) and 3) “end” homelessness and answered questions.

Laura Russo with The Arches Project ( gave a presentation on Salem Warming Network and answered questions.  The City’s cold weather sheltering season opened November 1 and will last until March 31, 2022.  Sites are “activated” when overnight temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or or below.  The program is funded the City of Salem ($150K) and the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department.  The shelters are low barrier and open to all regardless of disability status, household size, sobriety level, and whether they have pets.  There are currently two sites:  First Presbyterian Church at 770 Chemeketa St. NE and South Salem Friends Church at 1140 Baxter Rd. SE and will be operated by hired staff with a few volunteers.  Transportation to the sites is available between 6 and 11pm through Cherriots, and through the Arches shuttle service from 615 Commercial Street NE (6pm), Big Lots (7pm), Grace City Church (8pm).  To volunteer, visit

Officer Smith (joining the meeting at 6:45) reported that police had been checking on people in the low-lying areas along the river, including Wallace Marine Park, in an effort to prevent their being stranded by rising water.  He said police have also been investigating the connection between the presence of camps and increased crime -- both serious and low level, quality of life crimes, which connection is assumed.    

There being no further business before the board, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 7:05.


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