
Friday, February 16, 2018

News from the Continuum

Revised: January 2019

By Sarah Owens and Michael Livingston

The PH Tech PITC Team
The Point in Time Homeless unsheltered Count (PITC) is officially 166 in Polk County (102 in 2017, 45 in 2016) and 453 in Marion County (295 in 2017, 182 in 2016).  That's a total of 619 unsheltered (287 in 2017).

The total sheltered count has dropped to 599 (799 in 2017 and 641 in 2016) due to "reduced use rates."  Find the PITC reports here.

People always ask, does this mean there are more homeless?  Or is the counting better?  Answer: it's both, but mostly the latter, thanks to orgs like PH Tech, who fielded a whole team (pictured at left with signs showing where each of them conducted surveys -- downtown circled in yellow).  

UGM's application for a conditional use permit to move/expand the Men's Mission has cleared a second hurdle, despite strong opposition from some local businesses who fear having a homeless shelter in the 'hood will drive down property values and negatively impact the area's "quality of life."   The decision is expected to be appealed to the City Council before it becomes final on February 27.

The only genuine issue is what conditions should be imposed, not whether to allow the move/ expansion.  The current shelter capacity is 185 from November through March, otherwise 150.  The Mission proposes to have 204 shelter and 96 "recovery" beds at the new facility. 

This week, the Urban Renewal Agency approved the use of $1.2M in North Gateway URA funds to purchase the three-story building located at 4107 Fisher Road and the adjacent half-acre lot at 4075 Fisher Road for $1,425,000, balance of funds to come from the Salem Housing Authority using OHCS resources.  SHA plans to complete the building (80% complete in 2014) and convert it to a 35-unit single-room occupancy (SRO) facility for those in need of permanent supportive housing.  For more details, see here.   SHA,

Rough Plans for First Floor of Fisher Road Facility
Salem Health, WVCH (the local CCO) and Northwest Human Services are discussing putting a medical respite care facility on the first floor of the Fisher Road facility (see drawing at left).  Currently, Salem Health can sometimes cover the cost of a few days stay in a motel room, but otherwise must discharge homeless patients to the street.  To learn more about the reasons for and requirements of a homeless medical respite program, see here.  (Salem Health subsequently agreed to provide $270K for 6 respite beds on the first floor under a three-year lease agreement.  The remaining 29 units will be SROs.)

Change came briefly to the West Valley Housing Authority.  Its executive director, Christian Edelblute, spent several days dividing his time between WVHA and Marion County Housing Authority, with the intent to take over as MCHA's executive director after a couple of weeks.  But, after four days, he returned to WVHA.  "Four days was enough", he said.

Alison "Ali" Treichel
We got to meet Ali Treichel this week.  She's the new Homeless Initiatives Program Coordinator hired by COG.  She's from Spokane, originally and is living in PDX (husband's employment is there).  She's making the rounds, going to meetings, talking to people.  First impressions were good.  Seems sensible, unpretentious.  Understands she's here because the Mayor really wants his sobering center, hopes nonetheless that she can find a way over the next year to make a difference for homeless residents of the valley.

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