
Saturday, December 7, 2019

"Too Long...Don't Get it"

By Sarah Owens and Michael Livingston

"Maybe...I've been around too long...I just don't get it"
Mayor Bennett isn't the only City leader who doesn't get it, but he's the only one, so far, to admit he doesn't get it.

Yes, we know he doesn't really think he doesn't get it.  He thinks the Council members who voted against sit-lie don't get it.  But he's wrong.  It is he who is clueless, and here's how, not in order of importance:

He, a privileged white male, thinks he can justify a ban on sitting and lying on sidewalks with the argument, "Look, these people are choosing to be homeless."

He, a privileged white male, thinks the Council should approve and not question the need for a sit-lie ban just because his buddy the Chief of Police says he needs it.

He, a privileged white male, is "amazed" that anyone would suggest anyone on the Salem police force might have "some sort of inappropriate relationship with the public they serve", because he himself had never heard such a complaint, despite having just been informed by the sole person of color on the Council that she had received such complaints and found them credible.

He, a privileged white male, is "amazed" that "there's so much willingness to say 'no'" to what amounts to a "trust the police" policy that's opposed by Latinos Unidos Siempre, Mano a Mano, PCUN, RJOC, American Friends Service Committee, Planned Parenthood, Safe Routes Partnership, Disability Rights Oregon, Oregon Law Center, the Homeless Coalition, 4 Salem neighborhood associations, almost 400 Salem residents with lived experience, and the overwhelming majority of those who offered public comment at three public forums and the City Council session on November 25, 2019.

He, a privileged white male, thinks it's somehow appropriate or funny, after a female Councilor, the only person of color on the Council, is applauded for sharing her experience of homelessness as a result of domestic violence and asking her colleagues to consider the impact of sit-lie of those who are already vulnerable and traumatized, to turn to the Council and say, "Do you want to vote? Or would you like to hear more clapping?"

He, a privileged white male, views sit-lie as being simply about "people in the homeless community behaving badly" and questions of who will be affected and where they came from in the homeless community as being "absolutely unrelated."

He, a privileged white male, expects to bring sit-lie back to Council a third time if "we continue to have the kind of behavioral issues", despite a complete absence of evidence that laws aimed at social control are an effective means for dealing with the behaviors of those who lack the resources to meet their basic needs.

Yes, based on his performance in this particular area, the Mayor has been around too long and doesn't get it.  But then, any amount of time in public service is too long for someone who doesn't get it.  Oh, and another thing, Mayor Bennett.  Salem does not have the largest Housing First program in Oregon.  It's perhaps the largest outside Portland and Eugene, but not in Oregon.  See, e.g., here, here, here and here.


  1. Watching Mayor Bennett the night the ordinance was considered was almost a surreal experience. I was embarrassed by him and embarrassed for him. He knows nothing about the current interactions happening in our city between the police and our homeless neighbors. He was insensitive and rude to Jackie, his fellow council member, and I hope he has apologized to her. My colleagues and I were aghast regarding Bennett's words, demeanor, and his lack of insight regarding homelessness. Mayor Bennett definitely "doesn't get it" and needs to resign or be removed. Chief Jordan and Mayor Bennett could leave the city together...two buddies who really just don't get it.

  2. So who is running against Chuck in May 2020? (Remember the May primary IS the election in Salem.)

    1. So far, he's unopposed. You have until 4p March 10 to file to run against him, if you're so inclined. Details here:
