Members: Barbara McReal
Organizations: none
City, County and State Representatives: Virginia Stapleton, Ward 1 Councilor; Patricia Farrell, Natural Resource Specialist; Irma Down, Neighborhood Services Coordinator
Guests: none
The regular meeting of CANDO was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The meeting was conducted by Zoom video-conference. The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present.
The agenda and minutes of the May meeting were approved unanimously.
Councilor Stapleton gave a report on her and Council’s activities and answered questions. Among other things, she reported that the City is pursuing the purchase of a building in the City's southeast to be used as the navigation center, rather than downtown, and this is the preference of the homeless services providers. [6/24/21 update: the address is 1185 22d SE.] She also reported that the City proposes to locate a Safe Park program on the City parking lot in the 500 block of Commercial Street SE known as “Windows on the West.”
Patricia Farrell Barnes gave a presentation and answered questions on the progress of Salem’s developing Climate Action Plan.
Michael Livingston’s motion to reelect Rebekah Engle to the board under Article V, Section 1 of the Bylaws (requiring the number of directors to be at least 6), following her resignation under Article V, Section 3 (“three consecutive unexcused absences from regular meetings, including Board and annual general membership meetings, will be construed as a resignation from the Board of Directors”), passed unanimously.
There being no further business before the board, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:47.