Thursday, March 23, 2023

3/21/23 Minutes

 Individual Members: Deb Comini, Woody Dukes

Organizations: Sawyer Mizer, Commercial Business Furniture
City, County and State Representatives:  Virginia Stapleton, Ward 1 Councilor; Linda Nishioka, Ward 2 Councilor
Guests: none

The regular meeting of CANDO was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.  The meeting was conducted by Zoom video-conference.  The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present.  

The agenda and minutes of the February meeting were approved unanimously.

The chair asked Councilors Stapleton and Nishioka to begin with a Q&A, given they had missed the last two meetings due to the Council work sessions.  In response to a question about the deputy City Manager positions (2), Councilor Stapleton said the positions existed prior to the 2008 recession and offered reasons and arguments in support of the decision to reinstate them.  Councilor Nishioka expressed agreement with the decision to reinstate the positions.  The City’s response to homelessness was mentioned repeatedly.  The budget process and the need to increase revenue were also discussed.    

Sawyer Mizer of Commercial Business Furniture told the board about the business’s proposal for a loading zone parking area on Belmont between Commercial and Liberty Streets and invited questions and comments.  No objections to the proposal were offered. Jim Griggs’s motion to approve the proposal passed unanimously.  
In unfinished business, the chair reported that following his investigation on the feasibility of CANDO issuing a quarterly newsletter he had concluded it would not be a good use of the board’s limited capacity.    

There being no further business before the board, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:47 pm.