Wednesday, October 21, 2020

10/20/20 Minutes



Members: Jim Griggs, M. Bryant Baird, Jeremy Mills 

Organizations: none 

City, County and State Representatives: Eunice Kim, City of Salem

Guests: Gwen Hammond (per phone # look-up)

The Annual Meeting meeting of CANDO was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on Tuesday, October 20, 2020.  The meeting was conducted by Zoom video-conference.  The Chair and Secretary-Treasurer were present. 


The agenda and minutes of the July meeting were approved unanimously.   

The board heard a presentation by Eunice Kim on the progress of the Our Salem project. 

After the Chair opened the floor for nominations to the Board of Directors, Michael Livingston nominated Jim Griggs and Bryant Baird along with current board members whose terms were expiring, Engle, Livingston, Kern, Owens and Dukes.  After Dukes declined to serve another term, the remainder were elected/re-elected to the Board by unanimous consent. The Chair then closed the Annual Meeting, called to order a meeting of the Board, and opened the floor for nominations of officers.  Livingston nominated himself, Kern and Owens to continue in their current roles.  By unanimous consent, Neal Kern was elected Chair, Michael Livingston was elected Vice-Chair, and Sarah Owens was elected Secretary/Treasurer.

In new business, Livingston’s motions to adopt the 2019 goals for 2020, to approve expenditure of communication funds to reimburse Chair Kern for up to one year of a basic Zoom account at a cost of $14.99/month starting July 2020, and to authorize Livingston to apply for a SPIF grant, all passed unanimously.


Jim Griggs was appointed Budget Committee Chair, M. Bryant Baird was appointed Land Use Committee Chair, and Michael Livingston was appointed Parks Committee Chair

There being no further business before the board, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:46   p.m.

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